This weekend I went to a coffee shop with one of my closest friends to visit and work on homework for the classes we share and after we were done with that we started to chat and after a while our conversation strayed and she said a few words that I could not stop thinking about " I don't have any secrets"...... How could a human not posses secrets because It is human nature to have secrets. Secrets can be as little as not telling your best friend every second of your life when she is away from you, Every second can be a secret and even you though you don't remember every one of them, it is still there locked away in a compartment of your brain thus it is a secret.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Breaking Free
When I was little I loved all the fairy tails and with all my heart I believed in dragons and knights in shining armor but when I finally opened my eyes and faced the real world I realized that the only knights in shining armor were the ones in my head or so I was told. In most families you are told to grow up and become an adult but what if becoming an "adult" means throwing away any hope that lies within a small child, what if growing up and facing the world means no more listening for faeries out side your window. Most parents tell there children that Santa clause doesn't exist at a "reasonable age" but what is Santa clause really, but a hope that graces the mind of children about a jolly magical figure that brings joy, and yes there is no fat man that climes down the chimney with little elves but that image stands for joy and imagination and telling your kids there is no such thing, its like telling them there is no hope or joy. I was blessed with parents that refused to tell there child there is no such thing as Santa, But as I grew older I realized that he didn't come to our home at Christmas but I still feel that excitement on Christmas eve, that feeling of utter happiness because I was never told the logic within Christmas, I was told that anything was possible.
For some reason I have always been a rebel. I have always questioned rules, mostly of religion. My parents took me to church and not because they wanted to its because we lived in a small town and my parents didn't want to be ostracized. When we went I always would sit beside my mom and ask the question " is that true" and she would shh me and I would contemplated the entire time about the speeches the sermon made and I think the one thing I learned was that religions are like mental jails that enslave the imagination. They make children stop believing in fairy's and magic because to them it is a one was ticket to hell. If you don't believe the same thing that they do they threaten you with the idea of when you die you end up in a horrid place. They make you fear being different and using your mind to think of alternate possibility's. But what if there is unicorns and magic and we are just too blind with fear to see them. If you want to finally open your own eyes, take a step back from the chains in which the church binds you with and break free. Take control of your life. Don't let someone else do it for you.
Posted by The Writer at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 27, 2009
Windows into the Soul...





Through out time eyes have been a simble, but for what. You see them every day but not just looking at people but other things too.

Posted by The Writer at 3:31 PM 0 comments
Posted by The Writer at 3:19 PM 0 comments
If I take off the mask what will I find?
For the first time in my entire life I am wondering who I really am If I take off the mask . This post was going to be about gay marriage but as I was writing it i realized, Is this really all my life is. Writing storeys to get away from the world in which everything seems to go wrong and there is no happily ever after. Who am I really, If I could no longer write anymore, who would I be. In my head, as I write my storeys I am a Princess, a Dragon, and a Vampire... But when I put down the pencil who will I be.... When I finally take off the mast will I still look the same or will I not be able to comprehend who I have become??? I find my self confessing my life story to total strangers, when a friend is only a phone call away. But maybe that's why we do it, I mean blog, Because totally strangers cant judge you like your friends can, strangers cant sped rumors around the school about how weird you are.... But if your friends do that, Are they really your friends??? Can you define what a friend really is? or is it your idea of a friend?
Today I have left you with more questions than answers... I hope you too will learn to take off the mask.
Yours Truly,
Thorn of the Roses
Posted by The Writer at 1:17 PM 0 comments
Whats out There? Where do you go when you die??
Many people wonder, whats out there , am I going to heaven or hell when I die, and is there even a heaven and hell???
If you don't mind I would like to state my opinion, and if you don't like it, DONT READ IT!
When I was little I like many kids followed my parents in religion, because I didn't know anything else but to do so but as I got older I realized I had a mind of my own and I didn't have to follow my parents in there beliefs but I took this new found freedom to the extreme.... I became atheist.... then wicken.... oh lets not forget Catholic, but I could never follow the rules to the exact because I had my own theory on religion.
Theory 1
When you die your spirit relives your happiest moment over and over until you are reborn and make another happy memory. Again this is just my opinion....
Theory 2
The Egyptians believed when you die you go to a, well in layman's terms, a middle plain, not heaven or hell just in the middle and there you are asked 2 questions and you have to be truthful. The questions are.....
1. " in life were you truly happy?"
2. "in life did you make others happy?"
If you answered no to one or more you were forced into the underworld or hell but in my version you just have to do it again until you get it I have a question for my readers, can you answer both of the questions with a YES, if not you might want to rethink the way you live your life.
Theory 3
There is not hell.
most are thinking, what happens to the people that committed murder and things like that...... do they get to be eternally happy in heaven? My answer is simple, someone that was so unhappy and crazy to commit murder probably never felt the warmth and pleasure of being truly loved, so their heaven (this combining with my first theory) is just a vast space of sadness.
I hope you enjoyed that, I would love some comments
Yours Truly,
Thorns of the Roses
Posted by The Writer at 12:16 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 26, 2009
LIfe is Hard
Life is hard when you aren't the same as the other kids at your school. I am not going to tell you I have super powers or anything but I mean when you like to read instead of play sports or Ride a horse through a lovely field instead of watch T.V, At times I think I was suppose to be born in a different century. When I was in elementary school i was bullied, and to deal with the constant menial pain I made up stories, where I always triumphed over all evil (or the other girls).
Once upon a time there was a lovely princess (who in my mind was me) who wasn't as popular as the queen but still was known from far and wide ( the hole 6th grade) as being very smart and pretty but one fateful day a sinister witch ( in my opinion she was really a witch but that's just me) happened to hear about the princess. The evil witch was so jealous she made a plan to take down the princess. the witch and her fat troll disguised themselves as friends and tore down the princesses popularity so they were her only friends, then they revealed there true identity and the witch stole the princesses true love ( not really, but she did steal my first boyfriend) and then the witch teased her and the poor princess was no longer a princess because the witch had stolen her popularity, so the poor ex princess sat alone crying for day upon day ( girls bathroom at breaks) until she discovered the witched weakness, if you ignored her hurt full teasing she had no power over you. The witch realized what was going on so she did a HORRIBLE thing. She recruited the smartest girl in the kingdom who was also a big such up to the KING ( but you would know him as the Principal) and got her to tell a lie to the king of how the princess was beating her UP! The king was a stupid man so he believed the smart girls lies. So he called upon the Ex princess to his royal court for a sentence, and yelled at the poor princess and humiliated her, and worst of all the princess didn't know how to defend herself! After a meeting with the Princesses mother, the king was forced to drop the issue but it was still fresh gossip at the kingdom. Days flew by with no sign of hope for the princess, but suddenly it was kingdom break ( school break) where all the people got to go home to there families, The princess was so happy and she realized something life was too short to be miserable so she did a very brave thing, she sent the witch a letter ( a text) that told the witch she was no longer made at her and she actually felt sorry for her because for someone to be that cruel you have to be sad inside. when the witch read this she was devastated because she realized she had lost the only friend she had ever really cared about her.
THE END (not really)
Yours Truly,
Thorns of the Roses
Posted by The Writer at 7:37 PM 0 comments